Group Therapy
Group therapy is a deeply challenging experience that offers a powerful opportunity for growth and change. In a group, you’ll have the experience of receiving honest, candid feedback from a collection of strangers on how you impact them. Why should you care what random people think of you? The premise of group is similar to that of individual therapy: you bring your dysfunctional patterns into the room and you re-enact them with others. The problems you have in your personal life will inevitably show up in some fashion in a group full of strangers, just as they will show up in your relationship with a therapist. This gives you a precious opportunity to examine yourself and make changes to your behavior in real time.
You also get to give candid feedback to others without mincing words. Many people in this culture play too nice, or they do the opposite and they speak their minds with little regard for how their words impact others, and in either case their relationships suffer. Group therapy gives you a middle ground. Speak your mind without a filter, and stick around to see how it impacts your relationships. In this way, group therapy is a kind of social laboratory.
Over time, as you practice being consistently honest with others and letting others be that way with you, you may find that a depth of connection and intimacy becomes available that is quite hard to find elsewhere in our society. It may just transform your life. It certainly transformed mine.